teen haking
Filed under by lenda b on 8:17 AM
A TEEN FACES 38 YEARS in jail for hacking into his school's computer and changing his grades. According to Orange County Superior Court documents, Omar Khan, 18, faces 69 felony counts of second degree burglary, identity theft, computer access and fraud, removing and secreting a public record, and altering and falsifying a public record. Court documents claim that Khan broke into the school at night and on weekends using a stolen master key. He tried to steal his teachers' login credentials and passwords to change his C, D and F grades to As and Bs. He also installed spyware on his teachers' PCs to access the school network remotely. He also altered the grades of 12 other students. It all came to light when Khan appealed a denial of admission to the University of California for the fall semester by requesting a new school transcript. School administrators got wind of the discrepancy over Khan's grades and investigated. Khan's attorney, Merlin Stapleton, told the local rag that the charges were too severe. He said it was not the first time a kid cheated and often they did these sorts of things to find out if they coulTeen faces 38 years for hacking
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